HomeBusinessJob postings in Ontario must soon include salaries. Pay equity advocates call...

Job postings in Ontario must soon include salaries. Pay equity advocates call it a good first step

The Ontario government is bringing in new labour laws that among other changes will force employers to disclose salary information in job postings — a move employment experts say is good for job seekers and employers alike.

“At a time when many companies are posting record profits, it is only fair they communicate transparently about how they pay workers,” said David Piccini, Ontario’s Minister of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development, in announcing a slew of updates to the province’s employment legislation

Among the changes are several targeting the hospitality sector, including new rules banning unpaid work in the form of trial shifts, and stipulations forbidding employers form deducting wages in the event of a dine and dash, gas and dash, or any other stolen property.

A major one will be a new requirement for employers in the province to include the salary range…

Read more at www.cbc.ca

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